Social Security Disability / Supplemental Security Income
Social Security Disability – for when you are expected not to be able to work for 12 months or longer. Our firm makes application for minors as well as adults.
Do you need an attorney?
You are free to represent yourself in legal matters. You can try to draft and ceremonialize your own will, contract and close on your own house, etc., but you are urged to use an attorney in such matters. These applications are no different. You will better protect your rights if you hire counsel, and despite the money you think you can save “doing it yourself”, it may cost you more in time and frustration than you think. Our firm is here to help explain the process, answer questions along the way and facilitate the administration of the paperwork.
Isn’t it expensive to hire an attorney?
We don’t collect if you don’t collect. Generally, we collect a fee of 25% of retroactive benefits and it often gets paid to our firm straight from the governmental source.